
What? The Kathmandu Book Swap. Where bookworms come together to talk books, swap books, and drink too much coffee.

Why? Because we like books, and like meeting people who like books. Because books are expensive, and are meant to be shared, and new people can get you reading stuff you’d never have read otherwise. Because we like caffeine.

When? The second Saturday of every month, at 2.30pm.

Where? Cafe Soma, Jhamsikhel in Sept ’13

How? Bring at least one book that you’d be willing to lend. All books get passed around, you mingle and talk about them, then pick the one(s) you’d like to read that month. Best of 3 RockPaperScissors decides who gets a particular book if all interested parties cannot come to an amicable agreement. We’ll keep track of who borrows what so it comes back to you or to the group, and you can ask for a cash security deposit if you feel attached to a particular copy but would still like to share it.

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